2 girls looking at fossils.

Make a Donation

Help Inspire Minds Through Your Contributions

Donate Today

As a nonprofit organization, the Perot Museum relies on contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations to support our educational program offerings for schools in North Texas.

By providing a donation today, you’re helping with:

  • Growing science and technology leaders today
  • Providing access to people from all communities, bridging economic and cultural divides.
  • Supports the Museum’s pursuit of excellence in exhibitions, education, and research.

One-Time Donation

$50 will make a day of discovery at the Museum possible for five students

Select donation amount

In keeping with the standards of the Association of Fundraising Professionals and the Donor Bill of Rights, all donations made to the Perot Museum will be handled with respect and confidentiality to the extent provided by law, and all donors will be given the opportunity to delete their names from mailing lists that the Perot may intend to share.  If you wish to remove your name from such lists, please contact Ashely Chellgren, Senior Director Development at 214.756.5870 or Ashley.chellgren@perotmuseum.org.

Other Ways to Support the Museum

There are many ways that you can use your time, talent and funds to support the Perot Museum.

All Ways to Support