
Navigate with Ease

Museum Accessibility

The staff and volunteers of the Perot Museum are committed to providing the highest quality visit for each and every guest to the extent that we are able to do so. Given the size and scope of our building, please know you may have to do a good deal of standing and walking on a visit to the Museum.

How can we help?

While the information here provides a general overview of accessibility features, we encourage you to contact us in advance of your visit with any questions or specific needs — 214.428.5555 or info@perotmuseum.org.

Handicap Parking

A limited number of accessible parking spots are available in the Main Museum Parking Lot (Lot B) under Woodall Rodgers Freeway. As you enter the lot, an attendant can help direct you to the closest available accessible spot. If all accessible parking spots in Lot B are full, limited additional accessible parking is available in the Special Permit Parking Lot (Lot A), located on the west side of the building. Entrance to the Special Permit Parking Lot is located on Houston Street and controlled with a gated entry. At the gate, press the button to speak with security and request access to the accessible parking.

Companion Care Restroom

A private restroom that includes a changing table and wheelchair access is available for parents/caregivers of older children or teens with limited mobility. Located on the Lower Level, please ask any Perot Museum employee for access.

Entrances and Exhibits

All public entrances and all levels of the Perot Museum are accessible by either elevator or walkways to accommodate both manual and motorized wheelchairs, as well as electric mobility scooters and visitors who prefer to avoid stairs.


Wheelchair rentals are available on a first-come, first-served basis from the Box Office on Level 1. Rentals are free and we do not accept reservations for wheelchairs. Please note that on busy days (holidays, special events and summer weekends) wheelchairs rent out quickly and may not be available; it may be wise to make other arrangements. You are welcome to bring your own manual wheelchair, motorized wheelchair or electric mobility scooter.

A mom in a wheelchair with two young children, all looking at a map inside the Perot Museum.

Sensory Processing Needs

The Perot Museum has partnered with KultureCity® to enhance our ability to assist and accommodate guests with sensory needs. Our goal is to provide an inclusive experience for all guests during all events. We strive to raise awareness of the needs and challenges faced by individuals with sensory processing needs by supplying our staff with annual training and by offering the resources and accommodations featured below to our guests. Please download the KultureCity® Sensory Inclusive app (Apple Store, Google Play) for more information on the resources and accommodations offered throughout the Museum.

The following items and resources can be accessed throughout the Museum:

Sensory bags
Sensory bags containing special KCVIP badges, feeling thermometer, fidget tools, and noise-canceling headphones are available at the Box Office.

Headphone Zones
Headphone zones are located throughout the Museum.

Quiet Area
A quiet area is located on the Lower Level in a designated room.

Sensory Inclusion logo

A young girl watching a movie in the Perot Museum theater with 3D glasses on.

Theater Seating

The Hoglund Foundation Theater is accessible to all guests with disabilities.

For guests in wheelchairs or for those with limited mobility, the theater is equipped with seating for wheelchairs along with companion seating. Devices for closed captioning and descriptive audio are available on select films when they are provided by the distributor. Please inquire with a theater attendant about availability upon entering the theater.

Children’s Strollers and Wagons

Children’s strollers and wagons are not available for rent.

Personal wagons and strollers are welcomed in the exhibit halls, but are not allowed in The Hoglund Foundation Theater. Please note that on busy days, wagons and strollers may not be allowed inside the Moody Family Children’s Museum in order to comfortably accommodate more guests. A designated stroller parking area is located at the entrance of the children’s area for your convenience.

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